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外研社高中英语必修一Module5 Reading and vocabulary_第5页
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1、A lesson in a lab,Module 5,Reading and Vocabulary,学习目标,1. 识别、正确拼读所学金属词汇和dissolve, heat, substance, rust, metal 等重点词汇。 2. 掌握如何从科学实验报告类的文章、表格中快速获取关键信息,把握文章写作意图。 3. 掌握科学实验的正确操作步骤,把握实验类文章的整体结构。 4. 明白英语学习对于未来查找国外科技文献、资料的重要性。,Where are they? What are they doing?,In a lab.,Some substance reacted with the w

2、ater and dissolved in it.,What metals do you know?,potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,aluminium,zinc,钾,iron,copper,钠,钙,镁,铝,锌,铜,铁,potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,aluminium,zinc,钾,iron,copper,钠,钙,镁,铝,锌,铜,铁,Memory test,What will happen to the metals?,potassium,sodium,calcium,magnesium,aluminium,zinc

3、,iron,copper,when heated,water/steam,Read the passage in 2 minutes and choose the best title for it.,The Different Uses of Metals The Reaction of Metals The Reaction of Metals with Oxygen,Passage A,Answer these questions according to the table.(3),Which metals react the most with oxygen and water? W

4、hat happens when you heat calcium in oxygen? Which metals react with steam? Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam? Does copper react with water?,Potassium, calcium and sodium.,It burns to form an oxide.,Magnesium, aluminum and zinc.,It has a slow reaction.,No, it doesnt.,Nails are easy t

5、o rust in the wet air.,Why?,What are the right stages of a scientific experiment?,method,aim,conclusion,result,apparatus,An Experiment Report 1. _: 2. _: 3. _: (1) (2) (3) 4. _: 5. _:,Aim,Apparatus,Method,Result,Conclusion,Passage B,1. Aim:,2. What are needed to do the experiment?,To find out if iro

6、n rusts (a) in dry air; (b) in air-free water (c) in ordinary water.,Read the first three paragraphs in 1 minute and find out the aim and apparatus of the experiment.,clean iron nails,test tubes,test tube holder,cotton wool,oil,Bunsen burner,Apparatus:,Read the left part in 3 minutes and fill in the

7、 blanks.,cotton wool,nails,water,water,water,The nails do not rust,The nails do not rust,The nails rust,Conclusion:,Nails rust in water with air.,1. In the first part of the experiment, the _ is dry ,not wet . 2. It shows that iron _ when the air is dry . 3. In the second part of the experiment, you

8、 must _ the water to make sure there is no _ in it .,air,does not rust,boil,air,Read the first two parts and fill in blanks in 2 minutes.,4. You add _ to the water because this keeps _ out of it. 5. It shows that _ does not rust in water that has no _ in it .,some oil,air,nail,air,Conclusion:,Nails

9、rust in water with air.,True or False,The scientific reports: A. Use sentences that are very difficult to understand. B. Use words and phrases that have many adjectives. C. Use the present tense to statement facts. D. Describe the experiment in an accurate and clear way.,Read the two passages in 2 m

10、inutes and decide the statements are true or false.,学习目标,1. 识别、正确拼读所学金属词汇和dissolve, heat, substance, rust, metal 等重点词汇。 2. 掌握如何从科学实验报告类的文章、表格中快速获取关键信息,把握文章写作意图。 3. 掌握科学实验的正确操作步骤,把握实验类文章的整体结构。 4. 明白英语学习对于未来查找国外科技文献、资料的重要性。,Lets design an experiment report!,An Experiment Report 1. : 2. : 3. : (1) (2)

11、(3) 4. : 5. :,Aim,Apparatus,Method,Result,Conclusion,Happy Halloween!,1.When we use metals, it is important to know how they react with different substances, ,react with 意为“对起反应”。,Magnesium can react with Oxygen.,镁可以和氧发生反应。,Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.,language points,铁与水和空气起化学反应而

12、生锈。,react to sb/sth 对作出反应,How did they react to your suggestion?,他们对你的建议有什么反应?,She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him,她受辱之后就不再理睬他了。,2. The reaction of metals with these substances can be put in order. in order意为“井然有序;按顺序地”,out of order,无序地, 工作不正常, 出故障,Call the names in order.,请依照次序叫名字。

13、,1. 在图书馆,图书通常是按作者姓氏的第一个字母顺序排列的。 In the library, books are usually put in the order of the first letter of the writers family name . 2. 他桌子上的书摆放整齐有序。 The books on his desk are in order.,3.Add some oil to the water.,add sth. to sth. 意为“往加;增加”。,If you add 5 to 5, youll get 10.,5加5等于10。,3)The bad weathe

14、r only _ our difficulties. 这种坏天气更增加了难度。,added to,1)These numbers _ 100. 这些数字合计是100。 _ all the money I owe you . 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。,add up to,Add up,add up to 共计,共达,add up 把加起来,add to sth. 增加、 增添了某物,addto/add to addup/add up to 1. 毫无疑问这是火上浇油。 There is no doubt that it is like _ 2. 这些新建的公园增添了这个城市的美丽。 These

15、 newly-built gardens _the beauty of the city .,adding oil to the fire .,add to,3. 1到100 加起来总计是5050。 1,2,3.and 100 _5050. 4. 把这些数字加起来然后告诉我结果。 _all these numbers and tell me the result . 5. 8_5 is 13. A. add to B. added up to C. added up D. added to,adds up to,Add up,4.This will keep air out of the wa

16、ter.,keep out of 不让(某人/某物)进入(某处); 使某人避开,,Keep that dog out of my study.,别让那条狗进我的书房。,Keep the children out of harm if you take them to the match.,带孩子看比赛,要注意安全。,She wore a hat to _ _. 他戴着帽子遮阳,保护眼睛(不受太阳伤害)。,keep the sun out of her eyes.,5. Iron does not rust in air-free water. air-free为形容词,意为“没有空气的”。 -free用以构成形容词或副词,意为“无,免除”。类似的: care-free adj. 无忧无虑的; 无牵挂的 disease-free adj. 无病的 worry-free adj. 无忧无愁的,6.Half-fill a test


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