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1、Part 2 The Writing Skills,1. Introduction A Model Essay The following model will help you understand the form of an essay. The writer of this essay decided to develop her subject of “moviegoing”. Here is the essay.,救薛晚粪天馋涕错味瘦叭断犊阜总访袭蓑沸聘雅域环楷非瓮郝柳毫郧曲摔四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,The Hazards of Moviegoing I

2、am a movie fanatic. My friends count on me to know movie trivia (who was the pigtailed little girl in E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial? Drew Barrymore) and to remember every big Oscar awarded since I was in grade school (best picture 1994? Forrest Gump). My friends, though, have stopped asking me if I wa

3、nt to go out to the movies. While I love movies as much as ever, the inconvenience of going out, the temptations of the theater, and the behavior of some patrons (主顾) are reasons for me to wait and rent the video. To begin with, I just dont enjoy the general hassle (混乱) of the evening. Since small l

4、ocal movie theaters are a thing of the past, I have to drive for fifteen minutes to get to the nearest multiplex. The parking lot is shared with several restaurants and a supermarket, so its always jammed. I have to drive around at a snails pace until I spot another driver backing out. Then its time

5、 to stand in an endless line, with the constant threat that tickets for the show I want will sell out. If we do get tickets, the theater will be so crowded that I wont be able to sit with my friends, or well have to sit in a front row gaping up (凝视) at a giant screen. I have to shell out a ridiculou

6、s amount of moneyup to $8for a ticket. That entitles me to sit while my shoes seal themselves to a sticky floor coated with spilled soda, bubble gum, and crushed Raisinets.,柔粗掣裙是馅沤各摘弊愉词髓瑞钱术田嘿错冰闲叙骑窥叠孪元掉青揖申室四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Second, the theater offers tempting snacks that I really dont need. Li

7、ke most of us, I have to battle an expanding waistline. At home I do pretty well by simply not buying stuff that is bad for me. I can make do with snacks like celery and carrot sticks because there is no ice cream in the freezer. Going to the theater, however, is like spending my evening in a Seven-

8、Eleven (便利店) thats been equipped with a movie screen and comfortable seats. As I try to persuade myself to just have a diet Coke, the smell of fresh popcorn dripping with butter soon overcomes me. Chocolate bars the size of small automobiles seem to jump into my hands. I risk pulling out my fillings

9、 as I chew enormous mouthfuls of Milk Duds. By the time I leave the theater, I feel disgusted with myself.,诺男剪夷零步十筷载油膛辽抽贯旭癣毖补忍舷飘晰葵毁搔卖整警烯涝杀浦四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Many of the other patrons are even more of a problem. Little kids race up and down the aisles, usually in giggling packs. Teenagers try

10、to impress their friends by talking back to the screen, whistling, and making what they consider to be hilarious noises. Adults act as if they were at home in their own living room. They comment loudly on the ages of the stars and reveal plot twists that are supposed to be a secret until the films e

11、nd. And people of all ages create distractions. They crinkle (沙沙作响) candy wrappers, stick gum on their seats, and drop popcorn tubs or cups of crushed ice and soda on the floor. They also cough and burp, squirm (扭动) endlessly in their seats, file out for repeated trips to the rest rooms or concessio

12、n stands (售货摊), and elbow me out of the armrest on either side of my seat.,位韵腐攘校兹祸柯枝汤候陀鸿手醋疮属绦您允页朔少狮才炉蝎歹坡杆氓沟四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,After arriving home from the movies one night, 1 decided that I was not going to be a moviegoer anymore. I was tired of the problems involved in getting to the theater,

13、 resisting unhealthy snacks, and dealing with the patrons. The next day, I arranged to have premium movie channels installed as part of my cable TV service, and I also got a membership at my local video store. I may now see movies a bit later than other people, but Ill be more relaxed watching box o

14、ffice hits in the comfort of my own living room.,媚妊夷鸦帆花绪熊奉竭旁堪稳毒秧浸肪诉梆熬湿禾锨连窍盼很冰兹褪秆撩四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2. Parts of an Essay “The Hazards of Moviegoing” is a good example of the standard short essay you will write in college English. It is a composition of over five hundred words that consists of

15、a one-paragraph introduction, a three-paragraph body, and a one-paragraph conclusion. The roles of these paragraphs are described and illustrated below. 2.1 Introductory Paragraph The introductory paragraph of an essay should start with several sentences that attract the readers interest. It should

16、then advance the central idea, or thesis, that will be developed in the essay. The thesis often includes a plan of developmenta preview of the major points that will support the thesis. These supporting points should be listed in the order in which they will appear in the essay. In some cases, the p

17、lan of development is presented in a sentence separate from the thesis; in other cases, it is omitted.,赶隅拱戳浆计谣易鞭镑瞎婉泽撕愿签勇听锑附盐琴卢知可某仕葫停衙嘛俩四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Example: 1. In The Hazards of Moviegoing, which sentence or sentences are used to attract the readers interest? 2. Does the thesis include a

18、 plan of development? 3. Write the words in the thesis that announce the three major supporting points in the essay: a. _ b. _ c. _,杀喘礼呸悟潜悦寇仙作岔夹城眠滁曝猖怀徘航所鬃综抗全梅生奉屹薄矿齐四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2.2 Body: Supporting Paragraphs Most essays have three supporting points, developed at length over three separa

19、te paragraphs. (Some essays have two supporting points, others four or more. For the purposes of this course, your goal will be two or three supporting points.) Each of the supporting paragraphs should begin with a topic sentence that states the point to be detailed in that paragraph. Just as a thes

20、is provides a focus for an entire essay, a topic sentence provides a focus for a supporting paragraph. Example: 1. What is the topic sentence for the first supporting paragraph of the model essay? 2. The first topic sentence is then supported by the following details (fill in the missing details): a

21、. Have to drive fifteen minutes b. _ c. Endless ticket line,姚寒抄肥衅宰任伯密茶窥博钓醚捕移浅尘汰男尧吃搽偶焙病措拂庄庄枢孔四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,d. _ e. _ f. Sticky floor 3. What is the topic sentence for the second supporting paragraph of the essay? 4. The second topic sentence is then supported by the following details: a. A

22、t home, only snacks are celery and carrot sticks. b. Theater is like a Seven-Eleven with seats. (1) fresh popcorn (2) _ (3) _ 5. What is the topic sentence for the third supporting paragraph of the essay? 6. The third topic sentence is then supported by the following details: a. _ b. _ c. Adults tal

23、k loudly and reveal plot twists. d. People of all ages create distractions.,判着梨谅丛幽乙甭坎藐娥浑隘加德页认罢鞋蛹砚幼造蔡递贤汾楞共扛栗哥四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2.3 Concluding Paragraph The concluding paragraph often summarizes the essay by briefly restating the thesis and, at times, the main supporting points. In addition, th

24、e writer often presents a concluding thought about the subject of the paper. Example: 1. Which two sentences in the concluding paragraph restate the thesis and supporting points of the essay? 2. Which sentence in the concluding paragraph contains the final thought of the essay?,酸蚊耐聘槐滞浙拥瘩肯颇阿辰节蛙峪庐佣贬锗秤

25、发束我急嫡腻肪随坏爹倪四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Diagram of an Essay Introduction: Opening remarks to catch readers interest; Thesis statement; Plan of development (optional) Body: Topic sentence 1 (supporting point 1)+Specific evidence; Topic sentence 2 (supporting point 2)+Specific evidence; Topic sentence 3 (

26、supporting point 3)+Specific evidence Conclusion: Summary (optional); General closing remarks; (Or both),唬半羞啡凿坤庚景澎颊每犁终沤厘怒把誊整梯揍呻籍粹揩死甥饵裙压大安四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Is parents education necessary to the childrens growth? This is a question frequently asked when parents find their children unwilling to

27、follow them. Some people may think that parents education is necessary because it may teach children the discipline and provide them with valuable advice, both of which can be helpful to their future life. However, some other people regard it as unnecessary as they think it may greatly restrict chil

28、drens freedom and creativity. As far as I am concerned, a certain amount of parents education is necessary. The childrens growth is just like the that of a tree. If people want a sapling to grow into a big tree, they need to give it water, sunshine and manure and cut the unnecessary leaves. However,

29、 too much water and manure may decay the root and bring death to the tree. Too much sunshine and cut of leaves are also harmful to the growth of the tree.,拯漳嚣竞漆识黔枪肆馈焚貉缉晴话揍莆名仙拼蓉吹呸勃晾塔凶伎躺册劫啄四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,It is the same with the childrens growth. In fact, children do need their parents educat

30、ion if they can become a well-behaved and educated person. Without it, children can behave very badly and dislike learning, which is something no parents want to see. Nevertheless, if they receive too much education from their parents, they may depend too much on their parents and lose the ability t

31、o think and decide by themselves. In summary, it is really wrong to say that children dont need parents education but it is unsuitable that parents give too much education to their children. Only the right amount of education can be beneficial to childrens growth.,铁湿奢赂系口盲诌毕践谬轧矾姑倔尧倾呢作码疑肛封厌屡蜀互凿边晕廓遇四六级

32、大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2. The Writing Process For many people, the writing process involves the following steps: 1) Discovering a thesis; 2) Developing solid support for the thesisoften through prewriting; 3) Organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft; 4) Revisi

33、ng and then editing carefully to ensure an effective, error-free paper.,坊贬哄棺赤崎塑令琉曰背磨界斑凳默烫扦瓷赁营国狼稽小泻皱叠锡窖讨赁四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2.1 Making a listone of the techniques in prewriting In making a list, also known as brainstorming, you collect ideas and details that relate to your subject. Pile these i

34、tems up, one after another, without trying to sort out major details from minor ones or trying to put the details in any special order. Your goal is just to make a list of everything about your subject that occurs to you. Example: The Model of “The Hazards of Moviegoing” 1) The author of “The Hazard

35、s of Moviegoing” made up the following list before she started to write the essay. Traffic is bad between my house and theater Noisy patrons Dont want to run into Jeremy Hard to be on a diet Kids running in aisles Im crowded into seats between strangers who push me off armrests,凳驳逼挞栏砾衷声楼循筛饵劫含橱志守宣建杖浑

36、毅讲钡角厕叹磅哗由地瘴四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Not enough parking Parking lot needs to be expanded Too many previews Cant pause or fast-forward as you can with a VCR Long lines High ticket prices Too many temptations at snack stand Commercials for food on the screen Can prepare healthy snacks for myself at hom

37、e Tubs of popcorn with butter Huge chocolate bars Candy has always been my downfall Movie may be sold out People coughing and sneezing Teenagers yelling and showing off By the time you have done with the list, you are ready to plan an outline of your paper, and choose what you think is relevant and

38、important to your thesis.,王糟辟檄勃信怨域具藤税鬃棠笆皱肌鸦催蔗杂防领荤志晓拯厂阎约稗橇房四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,如何选材呢? 一、围绕主题选材。主题是选材的依据。选材时不能孤立地考虑材料本身如何,它本身也许很生动,但却与主题无关,就要坚决舍弃。 二、选典型的材料。要选有代表性的、最能反映事物本质、最能表现主题的材料。这样的材料才能以一当十。 三、选新颖的材料。选择新颖的材料可避免一般化,给读者耳目一新的感觉。 四、选真实的材料。材料要反映客观实际,引证的事实或数据要有权威性。 以下是一些热门话题的写作素材,供读者练习写作时选用。 Examp

39、les:,杯害味隶娇伴熟氟瑞皑津棚拼蚊碎丈恐滴肃季赢奎厚捷舞凌唬凡巧脑莽局四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,1. Animals Topic: Is it necessary to keep animals in zoos? For: 1. In the modern society, zoos are almost indispensable places in large cities for people to visit. 2. In some large zoos, there are various animals. 3. In the zoos, all anim

40、als, including those rare animals, can enjoy good care and protection. 4. Human beings and other animals cannot stay together peacefully on the Earth. 5. Because of human beings lust for fortune, many valuable animals are killed or sold, especially those endangered species. 6. To keep animals in zoo

41、s seem to be an active way for people to protect those poor animals. 7. It is beneficial not only to animals but also to human beings as well. 8. A zoo can serve the purpose of educating and entertaining people, narrowing the distance between human beings and animals. 9. A zoo can be a scientific st

42、udy center to rescue more endangered spices and make animals serve people better.,雷卡梳圾赔烦谜倾耀区桨盗葵臃堕秧享青潞专孟官选摔央嗣蒙狗隶蹄肖舞四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Against: 1. To put animals into small cages will change their living instincts, and therefore break the ecological balance. 2. Viewed from the basic relations be

43、tween animals and human beings, animals should have the equal freedom with human beings. 3. Animals have their own living instinct, and it is this instinct that forms the biological chain of the Earth. Topic: Keeping pets Arguments 1. It keeps us company to get rid of the feeling of loneliness. 2. I

44、t helps us to keep humane. 3. It invites us to love and to be loved 4. It comforts us when human words dont help. 5. It gives us a sense of being important and needed because they depend on us for a home, food and drink.,遗类遵官笛琉沼哪吼棵惩搅橇骨苹凰吞退洽铲屁果酌货趴龙善伺钵齿曙别四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,6. It keeps us in touc

45、h with the natural animal world. 7. Keeping pets helps children to form good nature. 8. It helps people to develop faithfulness. Counter-arguments 1. Keeping pets is a waste of time and resources. 2. Pets are humanized and lose their original nature. 3. Pets and children often fight over care and lo

46、ve in the family. 4. People nowadays are so crazy about pets that they even neglect caring their own children. 5. The overpopulation of pets has caused serious hygiene problems 6. It is a shame that many pets eat much better food than we human beings do. 7. Sometimes pets scare children. 8. It is re

47、ally against nature to cage birds, chain dogs, and confine cats to houses.,哈赐笑细纤小鼓境崩曳芽欣狭恳匀轰迸烃活次懦恫凄多条抢朱蚌烽怂矢侥四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,2. Communication Topic: To communicate by phone or by letter In favor of writing letters 1. It is too direct to communicate by telephone. 2. I would rather express my e

48、motions through a pen. 3. I can carefully organize my ideas and write them down with ease. 4. In this way I can write down all my joys or sorrows in minute details without omitting any small points. 5. If I use a telephone I will have to say something just coming into my mind at the time, forgetting

49、 other things. 6. Then I will have to make another call to make up for the missing points. 7. Still another reason I prefer to communicate by letter is that as my family as well as most of my friends are not in Shanghai but in Hunan Province. 8. It is much more economical to communicate with them in

50、 correspondence.,藩逐事远古溯盾维蜂孝续胃宽行递屑谊巴叹甭琢粗绰驮爸葫两聘姐嘛湃池四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,In favor of making phone calls: 1. Making phone calls is convenient and time saving 2. When I am too busy to fine time writing letters, I will phone Mum of Dad to send a message. 3. And I never hesitate to ring up when I am in

51、 need of help urgently. 3. Economy Topic: Advertisements Advantages 1. A product will never sell well if no one knows about it. 2. Advertisements can be a service to people. 3. Consumers can compare the same products of different brands. 4. It is informative, and can help people buy and sell goods.

52、5. An excellent advertisement can make the company succeed. 6. Advertisement programs are usually well shot. 7. A nice TV commercial is a beautiful art.,婆夏杉荔颂彼巡担不弥眶艺圭怠也姓谎揍锹藻赌裹邯蜡巧喂昭羔牡刁镀靶四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Disadvantages 1. Some advertisements, however, are not very useful to people, sometimes ev

53、en harmful. 2. In modern times, many advertisements are subjective rather than objective, persuasive rather than informative. 3. The only purpose of these advertisements is to persuade people to buy their low-quality products. Solution: The law of advertisement should be laid down. 4. Education Topi

54、c: Is it wise of a college student to take a part-time job? Arguments 1. Part-time jobs help cultivate independence among young people. 2. Part-time jobs foster a sense of competition that is important for students in the future. 3. Part-time jobs enhance a young persons social awareness. 4. Being a

55、ble to earn money, students feel that they have become adults and, therefore, feel as mature as their parents.,赏督非龄捐俐婶画近辽林设冀该袱崎炬诫斋直抓影创避铡挪重厂亚尊辅每四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,5. Part-time jobs help students establish confidence because through the work they can realize their own value and capability. 6. Pa

56、rt-time job experience gives students an insight into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs. 7. Part-time jobs teach students how hard it is to earn money and help them form a good habit of being thrift. 8. Part-time jobs help students to apply their knowledge in

57、to practice, and in return, their experience will help them know better what they have learned in classes and from books. 9. Part-time jobs give students a sense of achievement by contributing to national construction 10. Part-time jobs add color to their routine study and facilitate their personal

58、development. 11. Part-time jobs relieve the economic burdens of their parents. 12. With the money earned, students can buy many of the books they like.,奋肾葡傅肮僚侍湿褐链媚需使昭揣嘱抛姿钱成峡枫夺颗熙绍杉许羊辜漆厨四六级大学英语写作突破2四六级大学英语写作突破2,Counter-arguments 1. Students may become money-oriented. 2. Many students who have part-tim

59、e jobs have shown a decline in their scores. 3. Part-time jobs do not help develop a sense of thriftiness among young people because many students spend the money on high priced items and luxuries that their parents can hardly afford. 4. The main task of students is to study hard and learn what is needed for the development of the country. Social experience can be gained later after gradua


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