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1、Enjoy a song,A: Which season do you like best? B: I likebest. A: Why? B: Because I can,A: Sounds great!听起来真棒!,最喜欢的,Lets talk!,Unit 5 The seasons,Part A,Gangzha Experimental Primary School By Miss Yang,Goals,for,this,lesson,Enjoy a song,Do you know?,Whats the song about?,How many seasons are there in

2、 a year? What are they?,A. Seasons.季节,Four. Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.,B. Food.,C. Weather.天气,warm 温暖的,hot 热的,windy 多风的,cold 冷的,Whats the weather like in? Its ,晴,Whats the weather like in Nantong today?,Its warm.,Because I can go camping.,I like spring best.,因为,A: Which season do you

3、like best? B: I likebest. A: Why? B: Because I can,A: Sounds great!听起来真棒!,最喜欢的,Lets talk!,Who are they?,They are,Which city do they talk about?,New York,1. Who is going to New York next week? 2. What does Su Yang want to know?,Watch and answer,Su Yangs dad is going to New York next week.,He is going

4、 to work there for one year.,Su Yang wants to know about the weather there.,She is asking Ben some questions about the weather in New York.,1. Who is going to New York next week? 2. What does Su Yang want to know?,Su Yangs dad is going to New York next week.,She wants to know about the weather there

5、.,下一个,细读对话部分,找出描述天气特征及活动的单词,完成表格。,Read and find,cold (colder than ),hot(as hot as),cool (usually)sunny (sometimes) windy,warm(most of the time) (often) rainy,Season,Does it often rain there in spring? Yes, it does, and its warm most of the time.,make snowmen,go to farms pick apples,country beside,Be

6、cause(因为) I can make snowmen(堆雪人) with my friends.,Its usually very hot,as hot as in Nanjing.,So its very cold there in winter. Yes, its colder than in Nanjing.,People like to go to farms in the countryside(乡下) and pick apples.,Its cool and usually sunny. Sometimes its windy.,Unit 5 The seasons,Su Y

7、angs dad is going to New York next week.,He is going,to work there for one year.,Su Yang wants to know about the,weather there.,She is asking Ben some questions about the,weather in New York.,Su Yang: Which season in New York do you like best?,Ben: I like winter best.,Su Yang: Why?,Ben: Because I ca

8、n make snowmen with my friends. Its great fun.,Su Yang: So its very cold there in winter.,Ben: Yes, its colder than in Nanjing.,Your dad needs some warm clothes for winter,in New York.,In New York, theres a lot of rain in _. The weather in summer is as _ as in Nanjing.Autumn is the best _ in New Yor

9、k. Its _ and _. In winter its _ than in Nanjing. Dad, you need to buy some _ clothes.,Help Su Yang complete the sentences: 帮助苏阳完成下列句子。,spring,hot,season,cool,sunny,colder,warm,Lets retell: (四人小组合作,复述纽约的四季,一人介绍一个季节。),Season,Weather,Activity,hot (as hot as in),autumn,summer,spring,winter,cool; (usually)sunny (sometimes)windy,Goals,for,this,lesson,Homework:,1. L


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