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1、Lesson Five,Debt Burden Alters Outlook for US Graduates,Word supplement,daily n日报dateline n新闻电头deadline n截稿时间dig vt深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻)digest n文摘editorial n社论editorial office 编辑部editors notes 编者按,exclusive n独家新闻expose n揭丑新闻;新闻曝光extra n号外eye-account n目击记;记者见闻 edge n.,The Author,Shannon Bond is a rep

2、orter and FT. com editor in New York. She joined the FT in 2008 after receiving her MS from Northwestern Universitys Medill School of Journalism. She has also written for Market Watch, Politico and UPI. com. Jason Abbruzzese is a web editor at FT. After graduating from Boston University with a degre

3、e in journalism, he worked for the Sentinel 而这些地方机构也都乐于提供马里兰大学大学园的学生可供研究的数据或任何工读机会。 马里兰大学大学园位于华盛顿特区附近,生活费想必也就不像其它学校那样便宜了。不过,由于UM是公立学校,学费相对的也较学术声望同等级的私校来得便宜。,para. 7 .definitely a major factor in that is the more promising outlook for a business major coming out of college =undoubtedly, the main reao

4、n for me to choose to study business is that a business graduate may have a brighter future. 毫无疑问,我选择读工商专业的主要原因,是工商专业毕业生走出校门后可能会有更好的前途。,Questions,1. Does the 2008 financial crisis influence the university graduates? The 2008 financial crisis increased the unemployment rate, making university graduat

5、es hard to find their first job or even lose part of earning power for the rest of their career. Students with debt may take on an even heavier burden as they have less ability to repay the loans.,2. What can be learned from the result of Rutgers Universitys study? It can be learned that the graduat

6、es who finished college between 2006 and 2011 suffered a lot from the 2008 financial crisis with the high unemployment and reduced wages, and they felt regretful for their previous choices. They thought if they had known that they had to bear such a great burden of the student loans, they would have

7、 made different choices as to the majors, universities and jobs.,3. Why does Chelsea Katz want to study business? Because she thinks that a business major graduate might have a brighter future, finding a good job and earning more money. 4. What conditions are squeezing American young peoples ability

8、 to repay the student loans? a. Some graduates took the position below their level of education. b. Some graduates earned less than what they expected. c. Some graduates had to accept job outside their field in order to find work. d. The average starting salary dropped compared with years ago. e. Th

9、e rapidly rising tuition fees surpass the income growth.,5. Why do American students have to borrow more money to finish their higher education? Because the public universities have been hit seriously by deep cuts to the state budget, and had to transfer more of the cost burden on to students and th

10、eir families by increasing tuition and fees and reducing grants. 6. Why do you think the authors cite Mr. Obamas speech in the last paragraph? President Obama showed his sympathy for the graduates who are trapped in debts and difficulties in his speech, and shared the same experience and feeling wit

11、h them. So the authors of the article cite Mr. Obamas speech to reinforce the theme of the article, and at the same time to give a ray of hope to encourage the young people out of plight eventually.,Words to Know,blight, cast a long shadow over, debt burden, disinvest, earning power, expire, financial crisis, graduate degree, harsh reality, initial wages, internship, labour market, median starting salary, mire, outlook, outpace,


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