高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading学案 新人教版选修7_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading学案 新人教版选修7_第3页
高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading学案 新人教版选修7_第4页
高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading学案 新人教版选修7_第5页




1、山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语 Unit 5 Travelling abroad reading学案 新人教版选修71. 使用适当的阅读方法与技能, 把握课文内容并获取信息,处理信息。2. 帮助学生更多地了解国外求学面临的问题,以及培养学生正视困难,迎接挑战的决心。【学习重点,难点】帮助学生更多地了解国外求学面临的问题,以及培养学生正视困难,迎接挑战的决心。【课型】新授课【回顾预习】1. Read the new words for three times and go through the text.2. Prepare well for the class report:1). If

2、 you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why?2). Every year more and more young people want to go abroad for further study. What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad?【新知识学习】Step 1. Class Report:Step 2. Self-learning(自主学习)Pre-reading 1. W

3、hat are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?Advantages: _ Disadvantages:_Skimming: 1. This passage mainly talk about _. A. Xie Leis life and study in EnglandB. how Xie Lei was getting along with host family.C. Why Xie Lei went to England D. Xie Lei a story-minded girl.2

4、. Match the main idea with each paragraph:Para 1 A. benefits of her preparation course and the tutorPara 2 B. benefits of living with a host familyPara 3 C. the difficulty getting used to a new way of lifePara 4 D. her preparation yearPara 5 E. coming to study in LondonPara 6 F. the reporters best w

5、ishesPara 7 G. her new plan for social activitiesDetailed reading:Paragraphs 1 & 2:Questions:(1)How long has Xie Lei been in England?_(2)What is Xie Lei in England for?_(3)Is she taking a degree course or a preparation course? Why?_Paragraph 3:Question:Why did Xie Lei feel like a child when she firs

6、t arrived in England?_Paragraph 4:Question:What benefits of living with a host family can Xie Lei get?_Paragraph 5:Question:What benefits has she got from her preparation course and the tutor?_Paragraph 6:Question:Why has Xie Lei decided to join a few clubs?_Step 3.Discussion and presentation 小组讨论自主

7、学习中的问题,并进行展示和点评,点评过程中要注意补充和质疑。Step 4 .【当堂达标】SummaryFill in the blanks according to the passage.Xie Lei _ a plane for London six months ago to complete a business _. She is now halfway through the _ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a _ family, which giv

8、es her the_ to learn more about the culture. She wrote her first _ to her_, but she only got an E. Now she has _ the life and she feels much more _ and is going to join a few university _ in order to have a _ between study and a social life. We wish Xie Lei all the best with her_.【总结提升】 Discussing:1

9、. What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is? Find evidence in the article to support your opinion._【当堂小结】总结本节课所学内容,并表扬表现好的小组。【Homework】1). 读双城新学案话题美文欣赏,并完成相应练习。2). 做知识点学案。Keys: 1. A 2. 1-E 2- D 3-C 4-B 5-A 6-G 7-F six months She has come to England to study for a business qualification.Because most foreign students must complete a preparation course befor applying for a degree course. She had to get used to a whole new way of life.Su


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