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Epididymal abscess drainage 会阴脓肿切开引流(非产科) Incision and drainage of perineal abscess (Non-obstetric) 尿道周脓疡切开引流术 I&D for peri-urethral abscess 阴囊脓疡切开引流术 I&D for scrotal abscess 会阴修补 repair of perineum 会阴修补及括约肌修补 Repair of perinueum with sphincter repair 会阴修补及肛门损伤修补 Repair of perinueum with repair of anal defects 广泛性外阴脓疡引流术 Extended drainage of external genital abscess 巴氏腺囊肿造袋术 Marsupialization of Bartholins gland cyst 巴氏腺囊切除术 Excision of Bartholins gland 女阴切除术或广泛性外阴癌组织切除(未合并皮肤或皮下组织重建) Simple vulvectomy or wide local excision of valvar cancer 女性包皮切除术 Female circumcision 简单阴蒂切除术 Simple clitoridectomy 女阴白斑切除术 Vulvar leukoplakia excision 广泛阴蒂切除术 Extensive clitoridectomy 处女膜切开术 Hymenotomy 根治女阴切除术 Radical Vulvgectomy 女阴切除术(合并皮肤或皮下组织重建) Simple vulvectomy (with skin graft or reconstruction of subcutaneous tissue) 阴道切开探查术或骨盆腔脓肿引流 Vaginotomy or drainage of pelvic abscess 阴道囊肿切除术 Excision of vaginal cyst 阴道中膈切除术 Resection of vaginal septum 阴道后穹窿切开术 Incision of posterior fornix 阴道缝合术(缝合阴道损伤,非产科) Vaginal wall repair (Non-obstetric) 阴道会阴缝合术:缝合阴道及会阴损伤 , (非产科) Colpoperineorrhaphy, suture of injury of vagina and/or perineum nonobstetrical 前侧阴道缝合术 Colporrhaphy, anterior 后侧阴道缝合术 Colporrhaphy, Posterior 前后侧阴道缝合术 Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy 前后侧阴道缝合术:包含肠膨出修补术 Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy, (including repair of enterocele) 从腹腔进入阴道固定术 Transabdominal colpopexy 经腹腔及阴道合并之骨盆底重建术及选择性尿失禁手术 Combined abdominal and vaginal pelvic floor reconstrction with optional anti-incontinence operation (sacrocolpopexy, colporrhaphy combined anterior- posterior with enterocele repair) 经阴道骨盆底重建及尿失禁整治手术(含子宫切除术) Pelvic floor reconstruction and anti-incontinence operation (transvaginal hysterectomy, sacro-spinal ligament fixation, colporrhaphy combined anterior- posterior with enterocele repair, cystourethropexy) 经阴道骨盆底重建及尿失禁整治手术 Transvaginal pelvic floor reconstruction (Sacro-spinal ligament fixation, colporrhaphy combined anterior-posterior with enterocele repair, urethropexy) 麻醉下之阴道扩张术 Vaginal dilation under anesthesia 阴道切除术 阴道部份切除 Partial resection of vagina 阴道切除术 阴道全部切除,阴道式 Complete resection of vagina, vaginal approach 阴道切除术 阴道全部切除,腹式合并阴道式 Complete resection of vagina, combined abdominal and vaginal approach 阴道闭合术 LeFort colpocleisis 人工阴道重建术 (阴道狭窄或阴道缺失)无皮肤移植 Reconstruction of vagina (vaginal stenosis or vaginal defects, without skin graft) 人工阴道重建术 (阴道狭窄或阴道缺失)有皮肤及大肠等移植 Reconstruction of vagina (vagina stenosis or vaginal defects, with skin, colon or other graft) 初次直肠阴道瘘管修补术 Primary recto-vaginal fistula repair 再次直肠阴道瘘管修补术 Recurrent recto-vaginal fistula repair 尿道阴道瘘管修补术 Urethral vaginal fistula repair 膀胱阴道瘘管修补术 Vesico vaginal fistula repair 从阴道进入之阴道固定术 Colpopexy, vaginal approach 腹腔镜阴道悬吊术 Colposuspension,lapa roscopic 阴道式子宫颈切除术 Vaginal trachelectomy 腹式并阴道式子宫颈切除术 Combined abdominal and vaginal trachelectomy 根除式子宫颈切除术 Radical trachelectomy 子宫颈整形术 Tracheloplasty 子宫颈缝合术 Cervical cerclage 子宫颈残余部扩张刮除术 Dilation and curettage of cervical stump 子宫颈楔状切除术 Cervical conization 子宫颈切断术 Cervical amputation 子宫颈蒂瘤切除术 Cervical polypectomy 阴道式残余子宫颈切除术 Vaginal excision of cervical stump 腹式并阴道式残余子宫颈切除术 Combined abdominal and vaginal excision of cervical stump 经阴道子宫悬吊合并子宫颈部份切除术 Manchester operation (Transvaginal uterine suspension with partial cervicectomy) 诊断性或治疗性子宫扩张刮除术(非产科) Diagnostic or therapeutic dilation and curettage (non obstetric) 一般子宫肌瘤切除术 Uncomplicated myomectomy 复杂性子宫肌瘤切除术 Complicated myomectomy 一般全子宫切除术 Uncomplicated total hysterectom 复杂性全子宫切除术 Complicated total hysterectomy 次全子宫切除术 Subtotal hysterectomy 骨盆腔粘连分离术 Lysis of pelvic (abdominal) adhesion 子宫悬吊术 Uterine suspension 子宫广韧带裂伤修补或切除术 Repair or resection of broad ligament 子宫输卵管造口吻合术 Hysterosalpingostomy 子宫缝合术 Hysterorrhaphy 子宫整形术 Metroplastic surgery Spalding-Richardson 氏子宫脱出手术 Spalding-Richardsons operation 广泛性全子宫切除术 Extended hysterectomy 子宫颈癌全子宫根除术 Radical hysteretomy for cervical cancer 阴道式子宫根治手术 (Schauta 式手术) Hysterectomy vaginal radical, Schauta type procedure 子宫镜切除子宫腔隔膜或子宫肌瘤 Hysteroscopic resection of uterine septum or hysteroscopic myomectomy 腹腔镜全子宫切除术 Laparoscopy assisted vaginal hysterectomy 妇癌分期手术手术范围含:(BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy) (BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy) 妇癌减积手术手术范围含:(BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy)+radical dissection for debulking (BSO+omentectomy+ATH+retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy)+radical dissection for debulking 妇癌二次剖腹探查术 Gynecologic oncology second-look laparotomy 子宫镜移除异物或息肉 Hysteroscopic removal of foreign body or polyp 子宫镜剥离子宫腔粘黏或子宫内膜电烧 Hysteroscopic lysis of uterine adhesion or endometrial ablation 腹腔镜式妇癌分期手术 Laparoscopic gynecologic oncology staging surgery 输卵管整形术 Salpingoplasty 输卵管剥离术 Salpingolysis with microscopic 输卵管吻合术 End to end anastomosis 输卵管造口术。 Salpingostomy without microscopic 输卵管补植术 Reimplantation with microscopic 卵巢切除术附加大网膜切除术 Oophorectomy with omentectomy 子宫附属器部份或全部切除 Partial or complete adnexectomy 卵巢脓疡切开引流术 Incision and drainage of ovarian abscess 卵巢部份切片术 Biopsy ovary, incisional 腹腔镜子宫附属器部分或全部切除术 Laparoscopic partial or complete adnexectomy 卵巢癌再次手术探查术 Second look operation for ovarian cancer 葡萄胎或绒毛膜癌除去术 Removal of molar pregnancy or choriocarcinoma 子宫外孕手术 Ectopic pregnancy operation 腹腔镜子宫外孕手术(含腹腔镜子宫外孕药物注射) Laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy (including laparoscopic local injection) 胎盘取出术 Manual removal of placenta 初次剖腹产 Primary C/S 再次剖腹产 Previous C/S 前置胎盘或植入性胎盘之剖腹产 C/S due to placenta previa or placenta accreta 剖腹产合并次全子宫切除术 Subtotal hysterectomy after Cesarean section 剖腹产合并全子宫切除术 Total hysterectomy after Cesarean section 妊娠前十二周流产刮宫术 D&C(12.Week) 妊娠超过十二周流产或死胎刮宫术 D&C( 12.Week) 引产无效后之流产或死胎刮宫术 Dilation and evacuation after induction failure 子宫内管刮除术 Endocervical curettage 败血性流产 Septic abortion treatment 子宫切开流产术 Hysterotomy for termination of pregnancy 死胎之引产(12-24 周) Medical induction for fetal death (12-24 weeks) 死胎之引产(超过 24周) Medical induction for fetal death (after 24 weeks) 死胎破取术 Destruction of the dead fetus 骨盘腔脏器摘除术 Pelvic exenteration-Total or Anterior or Posterior 骨盆腔子宫内膜异位症,电烧及切除轻度:子宫内膜异位症分级指数小于或等于 5 分。 Fulguration or excision of pelvic endometriosis, minimal to mild 骨盆腔子宫内膜异位症,电烧及切除中度:子宫内膜异位症分级指数 6至 40分。 Fulguration or excision of pelvic endometriosis, moderate 骨盆腔子宫内膜异位症,电烧及切除重度:子宫内膜异位症分级指数大于 40分。 Fulguration or excision of pelvic endometriosis, severe 腹腔镜式骨盆腔子宫内膜异位症电烧及切除 轻度:子宫内膜异位症分级指数小于 或等于 5分。 Laparoscopic fulguration or excision of pelvic endometriosis Minimal to mild 腹腔镜式骨盆腔子宫内膜异位症电烧及切除 中度:子宫内膜异位症分级指数 6至 40分。 Laparoscopic fulguration or excision of pelvic endometriosis Moderate 腹


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