2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练02 Units 5-9(七上)练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练02 Units 5-9(七上)练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练02 Units 5-9(七上)练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练02 Units 5-9(七上)练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页
2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练02 Units 5-9(七上)练习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第5页
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课时训练(二)Units 59(七上)(限时:30分钟).单项填空1.xx兰州 Dont tell a lie.You are honest boy.A.a B.an C.the D./2.xx青海 You all failed in the exam yesterday, so I want to give you chance.A.one B.a second C.the third3.xx盘锦 We usually have seven holiday every National Day.A.days B.day C.days D.days4.xx莱芜 Would you like something to drink, Mum?Yes, Id like a cup of coffee nothing in it.A.with B.without C.for D.to 5.John wants to be , so he plays sports every day. A.happy B.healthy C.fat D.difficult6.Happy birthday to you!.A.Thats OK B.Here you areC.Thank you D.Im happy7. does your cousin usually go to work on foot?He says its good for his health.A.Where B.When C.Why D.How8. is the red shirt?Its 50 yuan.A.How muchB.How manyC.How oldD.How long9.Im busy my brother with his math these days.A.helping B.helped C.to help D.help10.I like Sunday. Haha! . I like Sunday, too. A.See you B.Thats for sureC.Thank you D.Yes, please .xx广东 完形填空A wealthy man loved his son very much.As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decided to send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.When the old man learnt about his 11, he handed the boy an empty bowl and said, “Go to the river miles away and 12 it with water.I will tell you about it 13 no water is spilt(洒) when you reach here.” Although the boy was very surprised at this, he had no choice but to 14 this task.The boy 15 on foot for the river and some time later came back with a bowl of water.The old man asked him, “Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees?” The boy could say nothing about them because he gave his 16 attention to the bowl in his hands.The old man smiled and said, “Bring me 17 bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well.”When he returned, the boy was able to 18 everything he had seen to the old man.But when he looked down at his bowl, he found 19 that most water was gone.He forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.“Well, young man,” the old man said.“Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget the water in your bowl.This is the 20 of happiness.”11.A.researchB.promise C.purposeD.experience12.A.wash B.fill C.compareD.connect13.A.if B.until C.unless D.while14.A.put outB.pick out C.point outD.carry out15.A.set offB.paid off C.got offD.kept off16.A.public B.weak C.quick D.full17.A.any B.ever C.anotherD.the other18.A.change B.imagine C.examineD.describe19.A.lazily B.sadly C.luckilyD.excitedly20.A.result B.cause C.secret D.decision.xx海南 阅读理解As a student, you must have met all kinds of teachers.Do you like or hate them? Is there complete understanding between you and them?At first, I thought Miss Li was nervous and shy.But now, I find shes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it well! She always avoids making you feel stupid.Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Miss Li just smiles, so that I dont feel that stupid!Mrs.Chen is very strict and serious.In her class, we dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to.There are a few students in our class who keep coming to class late, but theyre always on time for Mrs.Chens lessons! Some of our classmates dont like her.But most of us really appreciate(欣赏) her because her teaching is so well organized and clear.Physics will never be my favorite lesson, but I think Ill do well in the exam with Mrs.Chen teaching me.Mr.Wu is very popular.He really enjoys teaching Chinese.You cant imagine what a great teacher he is! He talks loudly and fast and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.Hes really understanding and funny.When he thinks were getting bored, he will tell us jokes and make us active again.We really respect him a lot.21.What subject does Miss Li teach?A.English. B.Physics.C.Chinese.22.Mrs.Chen is .A.kind and patient B.strict and seriousC.understanding and funny23.Of the three teachers, is probably the most outgoing.A.Miss Li B.Mrs.ChenC.Mr.Wu24.Students respect Mr.Wu because he .A.avoids making them feel stupidB.organizes his teaching well and clearlyC.makes his lessons lively and interesting25.From the passage we can learn that .A.all students like Mrs.ChenB.the writer really likes his/her teachersC.the students always get bored in Mr.Wus class.补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项A: Do you often watch TV? B: 26. What about you? A: 27. Whats your favorite TV show? B: My favorite TV show is Outlook English. A: 28.B: Because I can learn a lot about English from it. What about you?A: My favorite TV show is Science World. B: Why do you like it? A: 29.B: Then is science your favorite subject at school? A: 30. And after class, I also like reading books about science. A.Because its interesting. B.Why do you like it?C.Who is your science teacher?D.Yes, I do. E.Yes, it is. F.I think its boring. G.I only watch TV on Saturdays. .从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式填空31.Lets basketball after class.32.We can finish the books today.33.He wants a pair of sunglasses.34.Try to eat food every day.35.Its to listen to music.36.The dictionary is and I like it very much.37.You can buy these trousers at very good .38.Come and have a look. The summer clothes are on now.39.Im the fourth to come to school and youre the .40.The in the shop are very cheap.句型转换41.Bill eats lunch at school. (改为否定句)Bill lunch at school.42.How much is the dictionary?(改为同义句) the of the dictionary?43.Does he like to play with his cat? (作否定回答) , he .44.Tom and Mary like salad. (对画线部分提问) Tom and Mary ?45.My birthday is on March 28th. (对画线部分提问) is birthday?.根据汉语意思完成句子46.“你的生日是什么时候?”“我的生日是5月6日。” is your birthday?My birthday is May 6th.47.早餐时间是从7点至7点半。Breakfast is 7:00 7:30.48.他们总是和我一起玩游戏。They always me. 49.“玛丽为什么喜欢音乐?”“因为它有趣。” Mary music? its interesting.50.祝你旅途愉快。I hope you can on your trip.参考答案.1.B考查冠词的用法。句意:别撒谎。你是个诚实的孩子。根据句意可知此处表泛指,且honest是以元音音素开头的单词,故选“an”。2.B3.D考查名词所有格。空格前有基数词seven修饰,其后的名词应用复数形式,故填days,此处指的是“7天的假期”,要在days后加“”。故选D。4.A5.B根据“so he plays sports every day”可知,他想让自己保持身体健康。故选B。6.C祝福语“Happy birthday to you!”的答语常为“Thank you.”故选C。7.C根据答语“He says its good for his health.”可知,问句在问原因。故选C。8.A根据答语“Its 50 yuan.”可知问句在询问价格。故选A。9.Abe busy doing sth. 意为“忙于做某事”。10.B.主旨大意 本文是一篇哲理故事类记叙文。一个富人因疼爱自己的儿子而让他去看望一位老智者以寻求过幸福生活的建议。经过两次取水的过程后,智者告诉富人的儿子,既要欣赏美丽的景色,又要将水完整带回。故事告诉我们:事物都有两面性,做事要考虑周全,要两方兼顾,两方都要做好,这才是幸福的真谛。11.C考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,富人让儿子去见智者是有目的的寻求有关幸福生活方面的建议。故选C。12.B考查动词辨析。根据语境提示“an empty bowl(一只空碗)”和后文“no water is spilt(水不能洒出)”可知,智者想让富人的儿子将碗盛满水。故选B。13.A考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,智者设置的条件是如果水不洒出,就给出建议,故可判断本句为条件状语从句。故选A。14.D考查动词短语辨析。put out扑灭;pick out挑选;point out指出;carry out执行。根据语境可知,小伙子别无选择,只有去完成这项任务。故选D。15.A考查动词短语辨析。根据语境“on foot for the river”可知,男孩是步行出发的。故选A。16.D考查形容词辨析。根据语境“say nothing(什么也说不出来)”可知,男孩将全部注意力都放在了他手中的碗上了。故选D。17.C18.D考查动词辨析。根据语境提示“everything he had seen(他所看到的一切)”,可知describe“描述”符合语境。故选D。19.B考查副词辨析。根据语境提示“most water was gone”可知,水几乎没了,故男孩应很难过。故选B。20.C考查名词辨析。根据语境提示,智者提醒男孩,做事要考虑周全,这就是幸福的秘密。故选C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章描写了作者的三位老师,并介绍了三位老师不同的性格特征和授课方式。虽然三位老师不


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