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1、2004年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高二年级组试题(时间:分钟 总分:分) 听力部分(共四大题,计分) . 听辨单词() (共小题,计分) 1. A. access        B. absence      C. analysis      D. ambulance 2. A. unfortunately B. unexpectedly C. uncomfortably D. unforgettably 3.

2、 A. summarising   B. satisfying   C. scientific    D. terrifying 4. A. astronomer    B. geographer   C. thermometer   D. atmosphere 5. A. E-commerce    B. passage      C. package  

3、     D. preference II. 句子理解(Sentences) (共5小题,计5分) 6. A. The words were easy for Lisa, but the test wasn't. B. The test only had 20 questions.    C. Lisa probably failed the test.   D. Lisa had a vocabulary test today. 7. A. They are of the same length.   B

4、. They are of the same size.    C. The green one is longer. D. The yellow one is longer. 8. A. I don't think Mr Smith has a wife or a daughter.    B. I don't think Mr Smith will get the necklaces for his wife and daughter.    C. I think Mr Smith already bought t

5、he necklaces.    D. I don't think I can buy the necklaces. 9. A. Paul wrote Mike after he wrote his cousin. B. Paul wrote Mike before he wrote Susan.    C. Paul wrote the bank before he wrote Susan.  D. Paul wrote Susan before he wrote the bank. 10. A. We saw the girl at

6、 the game. B. The girl saw us at the game.    C. We saw the girl and her mother at the game. D. The artist attended the game with us. III. 对话理解(Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分) A) 请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。11. A. In a jewelry store. B. In a post office. C. In an office suppl

7、y store. D. In a clothing shop. 12. A. The man was fired from the job he liked.    B. The man is unhappy with his job and is not going to look for a new one.    C. The man has stopped his work and is going to move.    D. The man has a lot of things to take. 13. 14. A. S

8、he's reading for pleasure. B. She's reading for work.     C. She's researching for a vacation she's planning. D. She's revising her schedule. 15. A. She's taking her time.   B. She's going to get stuck in traffic.     C. She's going

9、to be on time. D. She's going to meet Mary. B) 请听下面一段对话,然后根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。16. What does the woman want to know?     A. How to make a million. B. How to study design.     C. How to get a job. D. How to travel to the USA. 17. Where did Peter study after lea

10、ving school?     A. In the neighbouring country. B. At home. C. At school again. D. At college. 18. In which country did his friend get a job?     A. Germany. B. Brazil. C. The USA. D. Canada. 19. What did his friends decide to do?     A. Have a motorcycl

11、e. B. Fight against the bad men.     C. Drive up to the USA. D. Drive down to Mexico. 20. How long was it before Peter got away from the bad men?     A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. D. Four years. IV. 短文理解(Passages) (共10小题,计10分) 请听下面两篇短文,然后根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提

12、问题的最佳答案。 A 21. What is in the room?     A. A guitar. B. A piano. C. A French dictionary. D. A violin. 22. Where did the gentleman come into the room from?     A. The garden. B. We don't know. C. The chimney. D. The French doors. 23. The gentleman usually sits down a

13、nd _     A. looks at the dictionary B. plays a few tunes of Mozart     C. looks at the fireplace D. looks at his tie 24. Why did the visitor become angry with the gentleman?     A. Because she got no reply when greeting the gentleman.     B

14、. Because the gentleman took the place of the gardener.     C. Because the gentleman wanted to be the owner of the house.     D. Because she hadn't seen the gentleman before. 25. What is Mrs Martindale's theory about the gentleman?     A. He has a

15、 lot of French friends here. B. He has a liking for the hostess.     C. He used to live here. D. He didn't like to live here. B 26. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?     A. To give advice on having a successful interview.   B. To describe w

16、hat to ask in an interview.     C. To talk about a particular interview.   D. To complain about how difficult interviews are. 27. Which of the following does the text suggest you do if you want to be successful in an interview?     A. Avoid answering questions. B.

17、Avoid being nervous.     C. Not research the company. D. Not prepare for the interview. 28. Why does the writer suggest visiting the interview site before the interview?     A. To get information about the company. B. To find out how good the public transport is.  

18、   C. To find out the length of the journey. D. To practise using a map. 29. What does the writer advise doing the night before?     A. Preparing our interview clothes. B. Making a few more notes.     C. Organising what we are going to take. D. Reading through

19、 what we have written previously. 30. Which would be the most appropriate as a heading for this article? 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 31. Imagine a society in which all people lived together in perfect _ .    

20、; A. calm B. silence C. definition D. harmony 32. There were no tickets _ for Saturday's performance.     A. preferable B. possible C. available D. considerable 33. Historically, _ chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been used.  &#

21、160;  A. in B. that the C. there was a D. the 34. If Mr Cox carries on working like that, he'll _ sooner or later.     A. hold out B. give out C. wear off D. hold up 35. As they had no children of their own, they _ an orphan.     A. adopted B. adapted C. ignore

22、d D. collected 36. What a good time we had in Ji'an City, Jilin Province, _ ?     A. hadn't he B. had they C. didn't we D. do you 37. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _ which obtaining water is not the least.     A. against B. to C.

23、during D. of 38. Why do people say that this is a wrong decision?     I don't know. But there must be a(n) _ for people saying so.     A. idea B. reason C. approach D. preparation 39. _ be sent to work there?     A. Who do you suggest that school B. D

24、o you suggest who should     C. Who do you suggest D. Do you suggest whom should 40. _ in pencil, the letter was difficult _ out.     A.Being written; in making B.Written; to make C.Having written; to be madeD.Having been written; making 41. The wallflower _ because its

25、 weak stem (茎) often grows on walls and along stony cliff for support.     A. is so called B. so called is C. called is so D. so is called 42. _ we go to school by bus and _ we go on foot.     A. Sometime; sometime B. Some time; some time C. Some times; some times  

26、; D. Sometimes; sometimes 43. Could I borrow your bike, please?     _     I said, could I borrow your bike, please? Mine is broken.     A. Pardon? B. I have to ask my mother. C. Sure!When do you want it? D. Sorry, my bike is broken. 44. We are going to ha

27、ve dinner out this evening. Would you like to come?     _ .     _ ?     Then we'll go to the new restaurant next door.     A. If you go to the Sichuan Restaurant, I will; What if there are a lot of people there     B. I w

28、ill go if I'm free; Where     C. It's very kind of you to invite me; Shall we go now     D. Of course not, because I don't like Sichuan dishes; Let's go, shall we 45. His father became very excited when he heard the good news. _ .     A. S

29、o became his mother B. So had his mother C. So did his mother D. So his mother was B) 下列5题中的句子可以组成一篇小短文,请从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 46. Wind and rain _ poisons across the land and through the oceans.     A. give B. spread C. shoot D. produce 47. Some poisons take _ to do their

30、 damage. The peregrine falcon(游隼) almost disappeared because of DDT, a pest-killing chemical sprayed from airplanes.     A. years B. efforts C. pains D. sufferings 48. Once in the environment, DDT _ a very long time. It enters the food chain and becomes more and more concentrated as l

31、arger animals eat smaller ones.     A. erupts B. lives C. remains D. stands 49. It _ birds of prey to lay thin-shelled eggs that break when the parents sit on them.     A. costs B. makes C. takes D. causes 50. After the United States stopped using DDT in 1972, _ peregri

32、ne chicks began hatching. Now, slowly, the birds are making a comeback.     A. fewer B. little C. more D. less II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) (共30小题,计30分) A The city of London installed (安装) the world's first traffic light at one of its busy crossroads in 1868. It was a lantern t

33、hat turned. The lantern burned gas to produce its red and green signals. Unfortunately, on January 2, 1869, this light exploded and injured the police officer who was operating it. In the first decade of the 20th century, Ford Motor Company began producing large numbers of automobiles. With this pro

34、duction, the traffic situation went from bad to worse. Police forces all around the country had a problem because cities had to put a full-time police officer at every busy crossroad. While controlling traffic at one of these crossroads in Detroit, Michigan, William Potts solved this problem. He use

35、d some wire and electrical controls to adapt railroad signals to create a simple traffic light with red, yellow, and green lights. This first working light, on the corner of Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit, was installed in 1920. By the end of that year, the city had 14 other lights like th

36、is one. In the same decade, Garrett Morgan invented the first electric automatic traffic light. Traffic on streets at this time was heavy, with cars, horses, and pedestrians (行人) all sharing the same road. This was a problem, but what was it that motivated Morgan to work on his new invention? Morgan

37、 witnessed a terrible accident between a car and a horse and wondered how to prevent this from happening again. 51. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is that the first traffic signal _ .     A. was in England B. was not so successful     C. used gas   D. was installed a

38、s traffic light in the 18th century 52. We may conclude that William Potts was a _ .     A. bad driver   B. Ford Motor Company worker     C. truck company manager D. police officer 53. By the end of 1920, the city of Detroit had _ traffic lights.    

39、 A. 13 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16 54. What motivated Morgan to work on his new invention?     A. A police officer operated each signal. B. The early signals had only red and yellow lights.     C. A terrible accident happened between a car and a horse. D. No one noticed the traff

40、ic signals. 55. The underlined word witnessed means _     A. paid money for B. saw C. invented D. planned B Many processes within our bodies are timed to a cycle of about twenty-four hours. If the body temperature is taken every hour or so throughout the day or night, each person is f

41、ound to have a certain pattern. The temperature rises and falls about two degrees every twenty-four hours. Some people's temperatures rise very rapidly after awakening and then begin to fall in the afternoon and evening. For others their temperatures rise very slowly at first, reach a peak in th

42、e late afternoon or evening, and do not begin to drop until quite late in the day. In all cases, a person's temperature is at its lowest during the time of sleep. People tend to feel most wide-awake and can work best at the high point of their temperature. You may have noticed that some people j

43、ump out of bed bright and early and are cheerful and active during the early part of the day, then grow tired in the evening and go to bed quite early. Others find it difficult to get up in the morning and do not seem able to get going very well until afternoon; during the evening, they are wide awa

44、ke and hate to go to bed. People can usually adjust to a different schedule if necessary, but it seems to be more difficult for some people than for others. 56. The author says that people's body temperature _ .     A. rises two degrees when they first wake up B. falls two degrees

45、 when they first wake up     C. rises and falls two degrees while they sleep D. rises and falls two degrees each day 57. What does peak mean?     A. Change. B. The lowest point. C. The highest point. D. Temperature. 58. In general, people can work best _ .   &

46、#160; A. in the morning B. when their temperature is highest     C. when their temperature is the lowest D. in the middle of the day 58. When people are sleeping, their body temperatures _ .     A. does not change   B. are lower than they are in the morning  &

47、#160;  C. are higher than they are in the morning D. can change as much as two degrees 60. According to the passage, people who have trouble waking up in the morning probably_ .     A. show a temperature pattern that is the highest in the afternoon or evening     B

48、. show a temperature pattern that rises quickly in the morning     C. should try to be more cheerful and active in the morning     D. will all have difficulty changing to a different sleep schedule C Is global warming real? Are rising temperatures changing climates arou

49、nd the world? Just ask the polar bears of Hudson Bay. In arctic regions the polar bear is the top of the food chain. Its scientific name, Ursus maritimus means“bear of the sea”. This describes the way the animal earns its living. It hunts on and from sheets of ice floating in arctic seas. In the far

50、thest north regions, there is sea ice all year round. But there is one polar bear colony that feeds around the southwest shores of Canada's Hudson Bay. There the ice breaks up in spring and freezes again in fall. In between, the bears have trouble finding food. Their big feast comes in the sprin

51、g, just before the breakup. They go out on the ice floes(浮冰块) to hunt their favorite food, seal. A large bear may eat 150 pounds of seal meat in a day. The energy they store helps the bears stay alive until the November freeze. Recently, however, the ice has been forming later in the fall and breaki

52、ng up earlier in the spring. That's because temperatures around Hudson Bay have been gradually rising. Near the town of Churchill, they have gone up about 2.5° Fahrenheit since 1950. This means that the bears' feeding season has shortened by about three weeks. That makes things hard for

53、 the bearsand potentially dangerous for their human neighbors. In 1984 a Churchill man was attacked and killed by a polar bear. The danger doesn't keep animal lovers from coming to Churchill to see the bears. They take pictures from bear-proof vehicles, snowmobiles, and helicopters. Wildlife war

54、dens (看守人) patrol the area to keep bears away from the town. But both the tourists and the people of Churchill wonder how long the bears will remain. The amount of ice in Hudson Bay is about one-third less than it was 30 years ago. In another 30 years, if temperatures keep rising at the same rate, t

55、he ice-free season could be three months longer than it is today. The climate could change from tundra(寒带草原) to forest. Many animal and plant species would have to move north to survive. “The nations of the world need to do something about global warming,” said one tourist photographing bears on the

56、 tundra near Churchill. “The polar bear is the living symbol of the Arctic. If we lose this habitat, we'll lose the bears. I don't like to even think about what that could mean.” 61. What does the polar bear's scientific name mean?_. 62. The polar bear's habitat is in _ . 63. As temp

57、eratures around Hudson Bay gradually rise, what is the potential danger to human beings? _.64. You can predict that if temperatures around Hudson Bay continue to rise, many animal and plant species would _ . 65. In which month does the bay near Churchill usually freeze? _.66. The nations of the worl

58、d need _ . 67. What is the living symbol of the Arctic? _.68. The article's point of view and tone suggest that the author wanted to explain _. D It is important to pay attention to the safety demonstrations on a flight because an accident can happen at any time. On December 27, 1991, a Scandina

59、vian Airlines System (SAS) flight bound for Warsaw, Poland, with a stop in Copenhagen, Denmark, left Stockholm, Sweden, with 129 people aboard. Unfortunately, the plane did not reach either destination. Just moments after the plane had taken off, the pilot, Captain Stefan Rasmussen, reported engine

60、trouble. At an altitude of 2,000 feet, the plane had lost power in both engines. As the plane was going down, the pilot tried to find a suitable landing site. He flew through the tops of some trees to slow the plane down. Just a minute before the final crash, the plane was traveling at about 155 miles per hour. The plane crashed in an icy field. Because of all the ice and snow in the field, the plane slid for about 100 yards. The plane broke into three sections. Although the fuel tank


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