



1、 初中毕业去美国留学申请书模板 初中毕业去美国留学申请书 Dear _, By serving as a noncommissioned officer in theUnited StatesMarine Corps, I learned and developed valuable leadership skills that would prove crucial to my success as a leader and to my ability to gain the respect of my subordinates. The Marine Corps places great

2、emphasis on leadership characteristics, believing that great leaders are not born, they are properly trained. I submitted to grueling training on my way to becoming an officer in the Marines, and believe this training gives me the foundation of strong leadership skills that I will need in every day

3、corporateAmerica. Leadership in the Marine Corps is more complicated than the simple management of employees. I learned this lesson the hard way, being thrust into a management position as my unit was being shipped over seas during the Persian Gulf War. As a newly promoted Corporal, I was given the

4、job of night crew supervisor in charge of 15 other marines. In the Marine Corps, leaders are not only held accountable for the work getting done but also for the performance and conduct of their marines. At the age of 21,I had the responsibility not only to carry out my orders but also to safeguard

5、the personal lives and protect the general welfare of my men. This being my second time over seas, I understood many of the difficulties that a young marine can have on their first extended trip away from their family. I enjoyed helping my marines over come their problems, and learned that the benef

6、its were well worth the time that I invested. I discovered that employees who have the support of their management tend to be more focused on the tasks at hand, gaining levels of trust and loyalty that can only benefit the organization. Related to this issue of gaining trust and loyalty through mana

7、gement supportiveness is that the Marine Corps requires creative means to motivate subordinates. It can be very difficult at times to be in charge of individuals, yet have no direct control over their salaries or advancement in the organization. The government decides military salaries, and promotio

8、ns are controlled by boards with the primary means of measurement being time in service. For this reason, I learned to manage through mutual respect. I believe it is much more important to gain the trust and confidence of your employees than to use direct compensation to motivate them. Throughout my

9、 Marine Corps career and beyond I developed many strong leadership skills, but most of all I learned that to be effective as a manager one must remain focused on the human aspect of leadership. By concentrating too much on the goal and not on the people needed to meet it, leaders risk alienating the

10、ir employees and thus failure in achieving the goal itself. By leveraging the lessons and qualities I gained while serving as an officer in the Marine Corps, I hope to meaningfully contribute to the academic environment at the Anderson School of Business. Yours sincerely, 初中毕业去美国留学读高中申请条件 1、年龄 美国高中是

11、9-12年级,相当于国内的初三至高三。国内学生初二毕业至高二在读学生均可申请入读美国高中。国内学生读完初二后可以直接申请入读美国高中9年级,而国内高二在读学生建议申请入读美国高中10年级。一般美国高中的入读最低年龄要求为14岁。 2、学术条件 美国高中对于学生在中国的成绩也会予以评估。一般会要求平均分在80分以上。一些好的私立高中,甚至要求学生的成绩在90分以上或者在全年级前10%。因此,学生国内的成绩好坏对于录取会有影响。 3、英语标准化考试 一般而言,美国高中会要求国际学生提供英语标准化成绩,如:SLEP、TOEFL、IELTS或 SSAT。学校通过英语标准化成绩明确该学生的英语程度,以此

12、来决定该学生是否需要参加ESL语言课程及相应年级和课程的选择。SLEP是专门设计给国际学生去美国念高中而设立的。 4、学校面试 美国高中申请基本都需要面试。面试一般分为,现场面试,电话面试以及视频面试。现场面试一般需要1小时左右。电话和视频面试一般需要20-30分钟;根据学生面试情况决定面试时间长度。学校通过面试来评估学生的综合能力。我们公司会在面试前给予学生指导。 5、家庭财力证明 家长需要提供银行的存款证明来担保学生在美国期间的学费。存款证明需要原件,各大银行均可以。一般我们建议,去美国读高中的家庭存款证明能在人民币80到100万元左右。 6、护照 在申请前,学生需要把护照事先办理好。申请

13、时,需要提供学生护照扫描件给学校。 美国留学申请流程 1、参加考试 最先要开始的,就是英语的准备,因为大家去美国留学,需要提供合格的语言标准化考试的成绩单,而不论是雅思还是托福,都是需要大家提前经受培训,熟悉和适应模式和内容的。 两类考试的认可度都特别高的,所以大家选择一类突击学习即可,基本上每周都会安置有考试,所以大家在进行准备的时候,可以提前约定考试时间,确保自己能够在指定时间内获取考试结果。 2、确认目标 要对自己申请的院校和专业进行提前的了解,这样就需要花时间进行筛选,一般来说不会很耗费时间。因为至少有一项是会有比较确定的目标的,然后再根据规划、能力和排名进行综合考察。 3、准备材料 正式的材料准备中,硬件是需要大家提前进行积累准备的,所以到了时间以后,就可以直接获取,学历证明和GPA成绩单,以及语言考试的证书,到了日期以后会直接获取。 文书准备中的陈述和奖励,则要遵照要求进行准备,而且全面的展示出自己的真实情况,而且说明未来的学习和就业的规划,这些都是会比较繁杂的内容,大家要全心全意的进行。 推荐信也要非常重视,尤其是需要确认书写的人,要有比较高的地位;其他


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